NIGER : Des journalistes édifiés sur les enjeux de la Grande…
Mardi 21 mai 2024.
New observatory to track progress of Africa's Great Green Wall
The Great Green Wall Observatory, a digital platform that will help track progress of Africa's largest land restoration initiative, was unveiled on 27-29 May following the meeting of 11 participating countries in Ouag
NIGERIA : Ministry, FAO working to recover 350,000…
Due to land degradation in Nigeria, the Ministry of Environment is partnering Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), of the United Nations to recover 350,000 hectares of degraded landscapes for environmental sustainability under the ACReSAL project. HELEN OJI reports.
SENEGAL launches Africa Integrated Climate Risk…
Dakar, 17 May 2024 - The Government of Senegal, in partnership with several international organizations including the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), officially launched the Africa Integrated Climate Risk Management Programme (AIRCM) today.
BURKINA FASO : 4e édition du Prix Grande Muraille Verte en…
La 4e édition du Prix Grande Muraille Verte en Journalisme pour la promotion de la Gestion durable des terres a été officiellement lancé ce 03 juin 2024, au cours d’une conférence de presse tenue au Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement du Burkina Faso.
The K4GGWA Innovation Facility is up and running – and it’s time…
The K4GGWA Innovation Facility is up and running – and it’s time to propose your innovators.