• The Great Green Wall (GGW) is focused on land restoration through tree planting and natural regeneration across 8,000km of the Sahel.
• Impacts to-date include land restoration on 4m hectares of the official target zone and an additional 14m ha across the target region. USD 90m in revenue has also been generated.
• The GGW has the potential to contribute to global goals related to climate mitigation, ecological resilience, improved human health and wellbeing, and equity and empowerment.
• Ensuring and building upon the varied impacts of GGW activities will require specific attention to monitoring and evaluation approaches and activities.
Infrastructures résilientes au changement climatique et accès aux énergies renouvelables
Investissement dans les petites et moyennes exploitations et renforcement des filières, marchés locaux, organisation des exportations
Restauration des terres et gestion durable des écosystèmes
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